Anyone got pictures of the outside passage in Alaska?

Hi everyone… has anyone here traveled through the outside passage in Alaska? I’m curious about what the view is like. Is it mostly open water or something else? I’d love to hear what the experience is like or see photos if you have any. Thanks in advance!

Here’s what the person who posted this originally said:

“Hi everyone… has anyone here traveled through the outside passage in Alaska? I’m curious about what the view is like. Is it mostly open water or something else? I’d love to hear what the experience is like or see photos if you have any. Thanks in advance!”

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I don’t have photos, but I’ve been on that route twice. Most of the time, you’re looking at open water to the west. Sometimes, you can see land on the eastern side, but it’s far enough away that it doesn’t feel like real scenery.

If you’re asking about the part north of Seattle or Victoria and before you reach the Alaska ports, that’s what I’m describing. The scenery closer to Alaska is much better though.

Thanks for sharing! That’s exactly the part I was curious about… north of Seattle/Victoria. Super helpful info, thanks again!

It’s basically just another sea day, mostly open ocean to look at.

It’s wide open deep water! When we sailed out of Seward, the seas got rough once we hit the area where the continental shelf drops off. It was a bit wild, but we enjoyed the adventure.

It really depends, but most of the time it’s rougher open water, not calm or super scenic. Ships usually go this route because it’s faster. If you check out itinerary maps, you’ll notice some ships go up the west side of Vancouver Island for speed, while others take the slower route closer to the mainland.