Long shot: could you help me locate a man I met in 2016?

This was the kind of risk that one of my friends made many moons ago, before the internet, with a newspaper ad. They got in touch after a friend of a friend—you get the picture. It worked. They spent years as a couple. You never know, so keep trying.


@Mitchelle Back then, the only method to accomplish it was through the media. Similar to a newspaper ad seeking a hero, Heinlein wrote a fantastic book.


@Jemmy It would be cute, but this was eight years ago, really? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If you’re successful on Instagram, utilize hashtags, make your profile public, and utilize a translator to post in Portuguese.

Should your content garner sufficient views, perhaps a Brazilian influencer will assist you by reposting or something similar. And from there, you have a good probability of coming upon Lucas :joy:.

Really, though… Instagram is quite popular in Brazil.

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@Salish It could have been Lucas’s hectic cruise.