Sorry for how anxious this post is going to come across, please bear with me as this is my 1st cruise and I struggle a lot with anxiety. We are heading back to port and it’s currently 02.48am (due back around 5:45am apparently).
I’ve been awake for the last hour due to the very rough seas, but what is scaring me more than the movements is the sounds. All I can hear is water/waves, creaking and banging and it has got me TERRIFIED. I don’t have any anxiety meds to take so I am just sat with music on trying to keep calm.
Please could any experienced cruisers let me know if it’s normal to hear these sounds and things are OK?! Sorry if this is a really stupid/obvious question, I just notice every tiny thing and it feels massive when my anxiety is so bad. Thank you for any advice or reassurance!!
During my most recent trip, the captain announced over the PA system that because the ship is ancient and the seas will be choppy, there would be a lot of creaking and banging. This is very typical, so there’s no need to panic. There was a lot of creaking, he was right. You’ll be just as fine as we were!
The first time is terrifying. Believe me. I’ve been there, done that.
However, it is how these ships are built. Consider it analogous to buildings. They creak and bend because they would be weaker if they were rigid. Ships are similar, but even more so as they are made to keep water out.
Don’t let this ruin your trip and experience. One day, if you’re anything like me, you’ll let the thought that you’re safer than in a car lull you to sleep.
@Alain I greatly appreciate your response; they are really beneficial to me❤️ Funnily enough, I was attempting to remind myself of the car truth earlier, but my anxious mind was only fixated on the “omg but right now…”
The cruise itself has been wonderful, and I’ve slept well the other nights—I even got to sleep in! A real holiday, hehe), so maybe this won’t turn me off completely. I’m happy to hear that you can still like cruises even after your first one wasn’t so great!
@Nidal Good ship! I’ll give you ready for the real stress—traveling home—in the morning!
Try to get some sleep. If not, please feel free to react, and if necessary, I’ll divert as long as I’m awake (I’m on PST). Cruises are fantastic. Preserve the memories in spite of this.
These large ships are extremely safe but noisy in choppy waters. Along with having all the equipment, like radar, to keep the ship out of harm’s way, they also have professional crews. It’s among the safest modes of transportation, so don’t worry.
@Banice This was just what I needed to hear, especially the last line. I would really appreciate it if I could simply go to sleep and wake up when it’s finished.
I sincerely appreciate your response and thank you for it at this very moment. It really helps that my spouse is getting a good night’s sleep, which makes me feel less alone. (Since it’s his first cruise as well, I don’t want to wake him and worry him; I’m jealous of his sleep, haha).
You make a valid argument that everything is louder at night since it is so silent! According to yesterday’s statement, we have 2.5 hours until we are scheduled to dock, so we are counting down the hours:raised_hands:t4: In the last hour, I’ve been tempted several times to visit guest services while wearing my Mickey Mouse pajamas
@Candy You’re secure. At night, when everything is silent and we remain motionless, noises are exaggerated. Had the ship been uncertain about its safety, it would have chosen a different path. I have had 17 voyages in both excellent and poor weather. I promise that you will arrive at your next location early in the morning. Ask guest services, who are available around-the-clock, if it is usual if you are unsure. Take a stroll. You’ll be alright, don’t worry.
It’s all perfectly OK! Although I dislike it, the creaking is typical. Similar to how trees produce noise in the wind but are often not dangerous, waves are always noisy. I’m not sure which ship you are on or where you are, but cruise ships will not venture into waters that are too strong for them. Rest assured, you will be safe.
@Camilla I appreciate your warm response so much We were returning to Port Canaveral (Florida) from the Bahamas. My hypothesis is that the storminess of the gulf is the reason for the problem, but my WiFi isn’t strong enough to load the weather or show where we are on maps.
I feel a little better now that I know you can hear the waves from the inside of the cottages! Though I’m sure more seasoned cruisers aren’t worried about it, I’m still standing in my bathroom where the fan helps to somewhat muffle the noise🙈.
@Nidal The Bahamas are quite popular for cruises, and even if the weather might be unpredictable, you will be safe. Weather-related delays and course changes are common on cruises; if it were unsafe, you wouldn’t be sailing. Throughout my more than 100 days at sea, I have experienced really severe weather, including cyclones, but neither the captain nor the actual ship would have been alarmed by it. Walk to an open deck if you’re feeling courageous; although the ocean can be a little frightening at night, getting some fresh air really helps with anxiety .
@Camilla Whoa! I apologize for being so emotional, but it seems like you have a lot of experience at sea. Thank you very much for your reassurance tonight. Cruising through storms is crazy. The greatest location to locate kind people when you truly need them is Reddit!
I keep thinking about taking a walk, but I’m not sure if I should take off my Mickey Mouse pajamas first.